Sep 23, 2008

Reviewing peer reviewing

Some computer science students were recently asked to review each others' work. The work was an article review or annotated bibliography. That was hard enough, but then they were asked to give feedback on the experience; to review the reviewing. Here are some of the things they had to say:

What were the challenges?

  • We hadn't done anything like this before
  • It's difficult to criticise your classmates
  • It's hard to know what the standard should be
  • It's hard to judge when you haven't seen the article
What did you learn?
  • There are different ways of viewing the same information
  • How to be fair while being critical
  • What the article was about; what someone else thought of it
  • How to improve my own work
  • How to give feedback
What are some phrases you found helpful in reviewing the work?
  • Can you justify this?
  • I don't understand this point
  • You need to be more specific
  • Your summary was good because...
  • I recommend that...
  • You are good at...but there are some limitations in...
How did you feel about reviewing/being reviewed by your classmates?
  • nervous
  • excited
  • comfortable
  • fearful
  • confident
  • confused
  • challenged
This Wikipedia entry shows the process of peer review in the culture of journal writing.

Colorado State University has useful advice on writing review comments.

Remember, peer review should not be an intimidating process for reviewer or student. It is a 'safe' process where each participant has an equal opportunity to learn and grow.

The Learning Advisers at Mawson Lakes

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